Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is an independent body that inspects, monitors and regulates care services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety. They publish their findings, including performance ratings, to help people choose care.

The fundamental standards they support and expect cover:

sydenham house tick Person-centred care
sydenham house tick Standards of dignity and respect
sydenham house tick Consent
sydenham house tick Safety
sydenham house tick Safeguarding from abuse
sydenham house tick Standards of food and drink
sydenham house tick Premises and equipment
sydenham house tick Complaints procedure
sydenham house tick Good governance
sydenham house tick Staffing
sydenham house tick Fit and proper staff
sydenham house tick Duty of candour
sydenham house tick All premises must display their CQC rating in an easily visible position


Would you like to visit  Sydenham ?

Speak to our Care Home Manager Lyn on 01594 517 015 for more information or click book a visit below to make an enquiry.

We are pleased to announce that the result of the 17th February 2021 CQC inspection found Sydenham House overall Good.

We would encourage you to download or read the inspector’s report here to explore further the definitions of their fundamental standards and find out what they have said about Sydenham House.

Extract from CQC Inspection Report, July 2018.