With new government guidelines coming into place regarding socialising for care home residents as of 22nd July 2020, we have made the executive decision to not allow indoor visits for our residents.
Throughout the last month or so, we have allowed one individual to visit a person in our care at a time, outdoors. This is because the coronavirus is believed to have a lower transmission rate outdoors, it is easier to keep and enforce a social distance of 2 metres with our residents and family members, plus it gets our residents out in the fresh air.
Find out more regarding visiting care homes and the coronavirus here.
We have noticed a massive boost in morale since implementing this. Our residence continue to look forward to seeing their friends and family in person, rather than through a digital monitor. We believe this is the safest way to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and keep our residents, their families and our staff safe.
Visitors are advised not to visit the care home if they have been in contact with a known infection or are presenting symptoms of coronavirus. All visits are held at least a 2 metre social distance.
Be aware of the symptoms of coronavirus. Visit the NHS for more information.